our Beloved Pharoah for Life Golhaabo is desperately throwing everything at his opponent now that the push has come to shove. But what he throws can be equally thrown back. Our Beloved God and Leader for Life, Golhaabo claims that the MDP is going to make the Maldives into a British colony and we will all be converted into Christianity. And the proof of it?
Anni studied in the UK! So therefore he must be Christian, right? WTF! that old demented, dim-witted fart is becoming unfunnier by the second.
I just dug a little and see what I found.
- Golhaabo's four children Farish, Dunya, Yumna and Ghassan studied in the UK - Dunya and Yumna studied at St.George School and then Yumna studied in Oxford. Dunya went to CHRIST'S COLLEGE in Cambridge named after Jesus Christ . It says on their website "Christ's College was first established as God's-house in 1437 by William Byngham, a London parish priest" so the College is actually established to spread Christianity. And Golhaabo's Dunya studied there and was known to sing in the church choir.

Farish Maumoon studied at Eton College, London. It says on the college website "Eton is a religious foundation and religion continues to play a central role in the life of the community"
"Boys of the Jewish, Islamic and and other faiths are excused Sunday Chapel if their parents wish, but are expected to take part in School services on weekdays . " and it goes on to say "Services in both Chapels follow the practice of the Church of England."
So Farish Maumoon must have participated in the School Services by Church of England!

- Golhaabo is the only one who has imported a Cross into the Maldives. The Grand Cross of St.Michael and St.George. No one has imported a Cross into the Maldives.

- Nattu's three nieces Zuha, Nuha, and Aminath Ulaa (fareesha and summeray's kids) studied in the Uk. Nuha is married to a British guy and their eldest child is called Jude.
- Golhaabo's nephews Shaheen Hameed, Yassin Hameed, and niece Hala Hameed studied in UK. Shaffa Hameed is studying in UK right now.
- Boh Mundhood also studied in the UK.
- Thasmeen studied in University of Warwick, UK.
- it was golhaabo who got help from Hill & Knowlton of the UK
- it was golhaabo's personal photographer Hassan Najmy who was the head of the Maldivian church
- It was golhaabo's Executive Director at the Presidential Palace, Adam Naeem, whose clinic AMDC (Association of Maldivian Devotees to Christ) was the centre of the missionary work in the Maldives in the nineties.
So who was it who has more connection with the UK and Christianity?
Gud research work!
If anyone has a link to UK or Christianity its none other than Mr. Qayyoom.
good work! I guess you should translate it to Dhivehi and make it available to the less educated community who are more likely to vote for Maumoon and believes his every lie. We just might change some of the voters minds for change perhaps!
We dont fear a world religon like christianity or anything else.We fear a dictator.Insha Allah, we can save our faith till our last breath.
yah you should really share it with the community who are hell bent on believing that Maumoon is their savior..
good work!
You should translate it to dhivehi and try and publish on a dhivehi paper. The only people under Gayyooms grip now are the old anf feeble. This would let them know who this devil is
Keep trying, 70% is what Maumoon going to secure. Anni 30%...thats an improvement from 25%
great work man
but still i think maumoon will win
after all he is the prophet of maldives
hmm i gotta write a post about this
"the prophet maumoon & the new religion"
what shall i call it
good work. Keep working till the last day. a 30 year old dictatorship is gonna take more work than we think. So don't loose hope. Keep trying.
I still think Golhaabo is a devout Muslim. *sigh*
i think maumoon is better than anni. i got more facts and reasons to believe so.
give us ur strong facts....prove us how maumoon is better than anni....i think ane politician now in male wud be better than maumoon...maumoon is the most corupted..most manipulative,most inhuman person in male now..aneone wud be better than him....its all about him n his family..why and how r u people so blind when evrythings just happenin before ur eyes...anni didnt kill nobody,anni never hurt nobody,,all he did was try make people realixe what we deserve.....he fought for us..he is one out of the people who brought this freedom of speech to maldives..nobody wud even dare write bad about maumooon on a blog or anewhere 5 years earlier..maumooon has blood on his hand..if brought to justice under islamic law maumooon shud be killed now..cant u remember the black fridae..i do..i do v well,,i remember v well how his force was chasin away the people for demostrating against him...so come out wit ye facts..prove us how maumoon is better than anni...(don forget,,,thousands had ben dead,,nt by his own hand but during his time becos they simply cant aford medicals n maumoon had nt provided it...remeber,,there r stil refugees out there from tsunami tragedy....wheres all money we gt from other countries...?where ..where...?is this what we deserve...u proly live in a luxurious life..so u don care...!!!but we needa change...
pis pis pis... anni for president :) you guys must be joking... and about studying in christian universities, please open your eyes to the world. if you are so devoted, then stop eating imported food and using imported stuff coz who else makes them, mostly jews... so my advice for you bro is that you just find something else to do instead of talking like an old fart...
"Anni studied in the UK".What a bloody hoot!I'm laughing myself silly here.U mean his bachelor's degree in maritime engineering that he managed to get during his 8years stay in Liverpool uni?He can't open his mouth&talk civilly in ANY language(English or Dhivehi)for more than a minute!The truth of the matter is Anni is a magu mathee bulhaa.Whatever he has learnt in life,he has learnt it off the streets.He will always be remembered best as the ganjaa boa,petty,common criminal that he is!I'm saying so because I know all the above to be true.Dhen ehenvee iru kihinakuntha eyna yaa Maumoon evves gothakun alhaa kiyeynee?Haadhahaa ladheh gane ey kataafahuregen sonithah burussamun falsafaa mathin falsafaa thah amunamun amunamun aa gannamun aagannamun adu mulhin kurehigen gos hindheythan thaa abadhu TVM in dhakkaa than balan!Maiy kalaakoa-mi nubaai vabaain dhivehi raajje salaamaiy vaanee kon dhuvahakunbaa.Maiy Kalhaange aai vakeel-mi lobuvethi dhivehi raajje kehiveri,makkaaru munaafigunge kibain salaamaiy kohdhevvaandheyve.Aameen.
-Theduveri Dhivehi Dhariyeh-
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
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