If your answer is YES then why on earth would you vote for a person who do not believe in multi-party democracy? I am not buying Dr. Hassan Saeed's claim that he believes in multi-party democracy. If he did, then why the fucking hell didnt he either form a political party or join an existing one?
The claim that he can form a party anytime if he wants to is just simply ludicrous. We are not interested in someone at the top job forming another DRP and getting all the government top level people to join up. This to me looks more like a dictatorship than democracy. And trust me, I should know about dictatorships. I am the Devil.
As for a national government of unity - I am not buying it either. If Dr.H.S and co. could not agree during the National Unity Alliance how the hell can they form a national government of unity? It would be more like "yeah we are a national government of unity' but only people who agree with me shall join it". Bloody hell.
Besides, their democratic credentials worries me. Dr.Shaheed maybe loyal to his boss to a fault but his democratic credentials are marred by him calling his the then boss Our Beloved President and Leader for Eternity, Golhaabo, THE FATHER OF DEMOCRACY!. Nah. Not good enough. Makes me want to puke. Besides, I have a deep stomach churning, gut wrenching, tail spinning feeling that it was Shaheed who was instrumental in keeping Golhaa the Boa in his job the last few years by selling him like hot boakiba to the international community and I am yet to forgive him for that.
But Shaheed is the lesser of the two evils. I find Dr.Hasaan a bit on the sly side. I feel that he realized that it was Dr. Sahhaaf Shaheed who "sold" our Beloved Idiot for Life, Golhaabo, to the world and help him save his Presidency by getting the British government to intervene which resulted in the Westminister House Agreement (read keep the MDP off the street and let Golhaabo sleep in peace. Otherwise he would have got a heart attack and be dead). And I think therefore Hassan decided that he would get Shaheed to koppaa him around so that he would be seen as potential president.
I can't believe that Universal Enterprise and the Supremo of the whole Koli Clan, Koli Ali Maniku would know Dr.Hassan Saeed from Adam even if crashed into him and fell down like Humpty Dumpty. I refuse to believe that Maldivian stalwarts like Solah Shihab and Mujuthaba would have ever sat down at the same table with Dr. Hassan Saeed, if not for the salesmanship of Sahaaf Shaheed.
But how many times have you heard Dr.Hassan Saeed praise his running mate apart from the night his RM was announced? I have heard several times Anni sing the praise of Dr. Fili Waheed. I have even heard Qasim the Burumaa applaud his educated younger running mate. I have even heard our beloved Moron for Life, Golhaabo compliment Thasmeen.
But I am yet to hear Dr.Hassan Saeed give credit where credit is due - that HE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN THIS POSITION WITHOUT THE HARD WORK OF DR. AHMED SHAHEED AL-SAHHAAF and THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE BACKING HIM WILL NOT BACK HIM IF NOT FOR THE SLAVING SHAHEED. And where was the voice of Dr.Hassan Saeed when his sidekick Running Boy Shaheed faced a parliamentary no-confidence motion?
That worries me. That really bloody worries me. Someone who is not even loyal to his faithful side-kick, someone who does not believe in multi-party democracy, what kind of President would he make? A bloody scary one!
My cousin Thodey told me, despite all this I should vote for Hassan Saeed. Why? "Because you are an Addu lhai", came the answer.
No! no! no! for the zillionth time NO! this is not about choosing the President of the United Suvadiv Republic. This is about choosing the President of the whole of Dhiveh Raajje. And just because I am an "addu lhai" I am not going to vote for an adduan who to me is a sly, crafty, duplicitous sod who arrested fellow Adduans when it suited him and who would not lift a finger to help wipe the tears of fellow Addu family of the murdered Hussain Salah.
No Thank you.

To be honest (and that is a big deal for the Devil! hehe), I would rather bloody vote for Dr.Ahmed Shaheed al-sahhaaaf as President any day than Dr.Hassan Saeed. At least what we see is what we get - a wacky loyal man to a fault; blabbering idiotic defender of his boss, gladly willing to lay his pudgy neck and short body on the line for the person he serves.
Now when the Devil runs for President in 2018, I am going to get Shaheed to lug me around. Maybe Koli Ali Maniku (if he is still alive) would be willing to fund my campaign too and Solah Shihab, Mujuthaba and co with their false teeth and zimmer frames would come to talk at my campaign launch.
Gotta give you credit for writing a witty, at the same time, fact based and honest view of how you see this Hassan Saeed.
And for once, I'm honestly impressed with an "Addu lhai" for speaking out like this - truth be told I'm a "Male' lhai", but that means nothing.
This Hassan character is a real sly, crooked bastard, who lies between the teeth. Baby faced, innocent looking Devil to the core. Not you, my fellow editor.
NO VOTE! for the Hassan Saeed! Golhaa would be a welcome choice if it comes to that.
The guy who wrote this article is living in a dream world. come on. wake up. the citizan of this country need a decent life. if Anni is elected as a president wat we will hear is THILHAA..MILHAA...NAGOOBALHU all around. and the cabinet minsiters will be Evan's mon, prepaid Shiuna and some parteys.
A very biassed one sided factless talks by the self quoted 'lhaa' . That shows who you are. Although im not from the said atoll I have many friends but they never like call them 'lhai' which we male' specching guys calls a lot. This a pretty good proof that yiur are some one who are jelous of the growing support to Dr Hassan across the nation.
You guys must be suprised about the beutful rose petals falling on Dr Hassan Head heheh v j vay dhoa.
You should not underestimate the Dr Shaheed. Dont evenr think your factless bluffs would make any changes to the educated and ethical mindset of the New Maldives Movement.
Its your and your type 'grass roots' underestimates as you have no idea about the educated mentality.
Universal cannot pick a good apple.....they are rotten and they only pick rotten shit.
Is this a fact? Hassan Saeed is running his campaign with Crown Company's and Universal Enterprises's cash............I scratch your back you scratch my back dhoa?..............
Please don't vote for those who are backed by these lobbyists.
rangalhu vaahaka eh thi lhai thi dhakkanee
Hassan Saeed akee hama golhaabo
hassan saeed aa shaheed beynun vanee verikan. e dhemeehunves maumoon akah dhuleh nukuraane. verikan libijje nama hama dhevana maumoon. hassan saeed vaahaka dhakkaa iru meehakaa dhimaa akah nubalaane, mi ves varah geedhalhu kameh. shaheed vaahaka dhakkaa iru, heevaanee, araarun vaa hen, rulhi ai varakah, aga olhene. hehhe
we need a m.partys in maldives.its very dangerious not having partys in maldives.vote for anni dont vote for Qasim N saeed also please dont sell yr vote for qasim the way Sappe sold himself to gasim.i was so prode of sappe bt not anymore
Hassan Saeed is the devil. Vote for freedom. Vote for Anni
I find this very one-sided. Only one thing is true. Hassan Saeed did not help family of Hussain Salah who was murdered by golhaa's police. Other wise he is an educated man.
But I am not voting for Hassan Saeed. I am voting for Anni. I am from Addu ingey.
we will vote for hassan saeed. we are addu people.
addu aalaathun vaki sarukaareh hadhaiigen rashuga thibenveenun hassan saeed govaigen ..balaaeh dhen..
I guess it was in 2005, I was commenting on a dosier prepared by Ali Hashim and Anni to be submitted to the international community. The draft contain lot of stuff that would appear very childish to a political person. At that time Anni was at Seagull having a coffee with someone. I corrected the Dossier so that it made sense, I wrote the unelected members at the parliment should be replaced. There should be proportional representation etc. I have the draft both draft with me.
Just before I left Anni came in. I explained the changes that I have brought. He said if we can have that then there is no need of a party system. The dossier was approved as I have drafted and was circulated to the international community.
What I want to tell you is that Anni too does not believe in multi party system but he is wise enough to sell it to the Maldivian public knowing that it can be a weapon that can be used to oust golhabo.
I too believe in it. Once golhaabo is gone the party system will vanish too. May be when an electon approaches it will emerge again. So in short what we would be having is "Multi Gang democracy"
For Addu people,
Don't vote Hassan Saeed just because he is an Adduan. He was with Maumoon supporting for dictatorship. Even now he is advocating for single party system. He was DRP naibu, and many Adduans were jailed and sued by him, when he was an AG.
Don't believe he will suddenly become a reformist.
Addu ppl loves reform and do not want to bring 2nd Maumoon
Devil. u missed the point. Do we want a party or democracy to govern us?? If you want a party better u consider and also write another article on those such as ZANUPF of Zimbabwe, NAZI of Germany, Communist Party of China, and USSR etc etc... Sorry fella. you are too late. We have already decided. We do not change our mind that easily. See Dr. Saeed or Gayoom as next President. By then you should be pissing in your pants...
what the f***. one of the best democracy is USA, even there are independent candidates contesting for the top post! doesnt mean he is not accepting multi party system!! think rationally!
People Like Dr Hassan saeed always want to be on the winning team. They are afraid of change. I wouldnt be surprised at the last moment he would either jump in Anni's camp or Maumoons.We dont need people like that. Whatever people say about Anni if not for him we would not be having multi party elections. Although like a joker he sat in the jumhooree square it is worth.Who else among other contestents are like him. Most maldivians are just sold out. See even DO Sappe. A good example.
And people say Anni does not look like a president. I am sure people like Dr Waheed etc around him would definitely make voting for Anni worthwhile. We just need change.
Its too late!
I have already decided.
Had this been a democratic system of governance I might give a positive point to your article.
bakataa multi party ey thikiyanee , 70 percent thaaidheh nukurey ehvves party akah , meege maanaky kaley amaa fuey tha ? election commission ah goss ahaaa aaabaadheege kitha pacentu tho party thakaa thaaeedhu koh gen thiby
You're the DEVIl. not Hassan.
Hassan Saeed lacks the experience even the legal experience. He dont know anything about the economy and we need someone who understand economic issues. During Hassans time it was again Minister Nasheed who did all the legal work from presenting bills etc... Hassan should wait for 2013
To all concerned parents,
Tell your, no ORDER your little brats to stay away from computers and let them grow up to be neanderthals if you wish for them to not see vulgarities on the internet.
Morons!!! I have a better suggestion. Why don't you, the concerned parents refrain from looking at what you cannot stomach.
Now on track with the article. Screw the Hassan Saeed character. Two faced gay bitch!!! Just listen to his speeches during his time as "naibu zaeem" DRP. Kuththaa!
The way you written your article meant you are just nothing............
People will not hear what an uneducated person's gossip.
Who the fuck is Sundhanu Luthufee to advice Adduance. Where the fuck he live? A Cristian mercenary who lives in Swaziland.Do you care about us while you live happily in Europe. so don't advice people.We will vote for Dr.Hasan Saeed, He is the only capable candidate who can bring the good changes that we are looking forward.
Izan Hifaz
I think you have misunderstood the argument made by hassan like a lot of others. Its not because he doesn't favour a multi-party democracy, but its because we don't have enough capable people to run six or ten parties. Having, Anni, Maira and Zaki is not good enough to run the whole government alone by MDP. The situation is much worse with other parties like only Ibra in SLP. So why not we gather the cream from all the pro reform parties and be united to deliver the maldivians a smooth transitional period. And about the failure of the national unity alliance, the blame should be on selfish people like adhaalath and umar naseer. We should not blame Anni and Hassan for that. I'm sure Hassan will not abondone Anni or MDP if he wins so don't try to spoil the reltionship between them.
Your article is very sided, Do u want to c the same game playing by DRP let MDP play. if yes then Ok let it b. Hassan is saying unity government that is what we are lookning for, not one party dominating the whole cake, if he wins u can c the real democracy. Strong opposition and weak government, that is what we are looking for.
Cant u remember only 30,000 people are in so calld partyies this people are moving one from other. So we need somebody to build party system hassasn is the perosn who can do that coz he introduced the whole system. Say No to DRP,and MDP say yes to unity government.
THI MALEY aaalaathun thelhi thelhi thiben jeheynee. Mi faharu Addu Raees eh
What life has taught me
I would like to share with
Those who want to learn...
Until the philosophy which hold one race
Superior and another inferior
Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned
Everywhere is war, me say war
That until there are no longer first class
And second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
Me say war
That until the basic human rights are equally
Guaranteed to all, without regard to race
Dis a war
That until that day
The dream of lasting peace, world citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion
To be persued, but never attained
Now everywhere is war, war
And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique,
South Africa sub-human bondage
Have been toppled, utterly destroyed
Well, everywhere is war, me say war
War in the east, war in the west
War up north, war down south
War, war, rumours of war
We find it necessary and we know we shall win
As we are confident in the victory
Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evil
Good over evil, good over evil, good over
no vote for vathanee ideologies
DEVIL you are a disgrace to Addu. Get out of Addu and go to Male. Thi kahala meehun beynumeh noon Addu akah
Your cousin is a better Adduan.
Iraadha kurevviyyaa mi faharu Hassan Saeed hoveyne. And you cannot change the fact he is from Addu
stupid article. it wud b sensible only to the blind and to the deaf.see who have joined anni!! dr. fili waheed n mustafa. dr. fili waheed cudnt even recite soorah ikhlas wen he was given the chance to b the imam. n the stupid reply was he hasn't bn an imam for a long time. n mustafa luthfy came to addu n was campaigin for anni, he is the same guy who campaigned against anni wen he was a minister of maumoons cabinet. now that he is askin the adduans not to vote for anyone else specially hasan but to vote for anni only. do u call this professionalism!!!! u guys r jealous of hasan n he team coz they r very professional. the only professional team among the race. dr. hasan's supporters dont ask ppl not to vote for anyone, they ask ppl to vote for the candidate whom they feel best. u guys can go on spreadin rumours but we the majority r with hasan. n we will vote for him. we r with him. maumoon even sent his brother hameed to gan to campaign for him one day prior to hasans visit to addu. he n mp thohir had to beg n plead ppl. hameed told several ppl that they do not have support in male n so they need some votes from addu to win. so he was givin a phone nmbr to individuals he met n asked to call. wen they call they receive a recorded msg form maumoon n thasmeen begin ppl to vote for them. gonna the days. we wudnt vote for maumoon o anni.kone gotheh hadhaafaves maumoon ekam verikamah annaanee. eyna hovunas nuhovunas verikan kuraanee eynaindependant bodies thakey kias eyna baaru nufoaruvaa evves body eh neh raajje aku adhi eh
THI MALEY aaalaathun thelhi thelhi thiben jeheynee. Mi faharu Addu Raees eh
Hassan Saeed is Maumoon 2.0.
He is a is very much ungraded and enhanced version of Maumoon.
Few Addons are included, like Dr. Shaheed.
Do we want ANOTHER Maumoon?
that ass Bandaara hassanu a culprit .
a Dictator once he become a president. we will never vote him. hasanakee hill and notan l nun thayaaru kohfavaa makaruveriyeh, mee naa ge kaaree gaa halhay nagan ginain ulhanee mavota kahala defukeheri addoo vagun dho?
dont let him be a president of maldives.
then all his malaysiain family will capture maldives like bangladesh ppl.
dont waste ur vote for him.
my vote gose to ibraa.
Hassan does believe in multiparty democracy. You are pushing the wrong point. Actually Golhaa blocked is way to and registered the New Maldives Party under some nihan or someone who is a golha crony. Frusted and bewielded he decided to run as an independent. Multiparty democracy does accomadate independent candidates. Hassan election to President will provide us an excellent opportunity to cross party lines and tap the best resources both professional and political to form the nextgen Political Reform Government.
Vote for Hassan. Do yourself a favour, and stick it up for Golhaa.
The guy who wrote this article "are you out of your mid?"
This is absurd!!!
How the hell can these government cronies at Elections office handover the voter registration database to some company in India. This is a lot of national data and data that are of a rather private nature too.
Can't they do this simple task by themselves or get a local consultant to do it.
Just did a whois checkup on "maldiveseligiblevoters.com" and see what comes up:
Registrant: Make this info private
Origin IT and Facility Solutions Pvt Ltd
Type II/1, Dr.V.S.I.Estate
Chennai, Tamilnadu 600041
Administrative Contact , Technical Contact :
Origin IT and Facility Solutions Pvt Ltd
Type II/1, Dr.V.S.I.Estate
Chennai, Tamilnadu 600041
Phone: 91-9940115895
Dr Hassan Saeed and Abdulla Saeed both are from Illuminati. They both are freemasons. We have enough evidence to prove this.
Their assignment is "freedom of religions in Maldives"
Reed their book written for their masters.
You devil, for once you told the truth, every word of it.
Impressive and well informed.
Doc Hassan is a witty dumb having a greedy wish.
Hey Male' mother F**kers! Surely we will win this time.......F**k your ass......nufeneytha? mulhi raajethereyaa Addu ge 100% vote othee Dr. hassanah....fada boanjeheynee maley aalaathun mifaharu.........riyaasee offeehai riyaasee ganduvaruves badhalu kuraanan e ee aharumenge amaazu........hama j vefa thiben jeheynee
Baraabaru, Addu in doc. Hassan noon ehen meehakah vote dheegen nuvaane, seedhaa vathavee jessema hoveynekan yaqeen. vote for hassan.
thedeh thibunee........adduah ehen candidatakh araa jalsaa beyvviya dheegenves nuvaane... male akee emmenge thaneh ethaagaves ginaee addu meehun.....shaveed men thibiyya maley beyfulhunves ganeveyne.hehe
wud be a cold day in hell before any addu motherfu**er gets to sit on this throne. not bloody likely. weep all "you" and "eyes" kekekeke - varah serious koh bunan tha vaahaka eh. mi maumoon abdul gayoon varah "ismaatu" vaane. dhen rottakaa laigen halaa. addu goo baddaa thah. mulhi male' ga mi ethivaru thah bangaalha in nah vureh balaa bodu.
SAY NO to Hassan Saeed. Go Maumoon.
dhivehi observer website has bought by gasim ibrahim.is dis true???
why all candidates are very much worried about hassan.Is this becoz so many supporters wit him...
vote hassan for change...
we dnt need dictator gayyoom
so many people are jelous of dr.hassan,.why?????
dear youth say no for dr hassan and why dr hassan if he comes to power is goin to give freedom of religon in maldives a clear proof is that his book about freedom of religon if you are voting 4 hassan thats a vote against islam and its 4 freedom of religon
Do you think Sandhaanu Luthfy has the ability to be our president?
Sandhaanu Ahmed didi served in jail, zaki served in jail. They never ran away like wanted people. This guy Luthfy has no guts and he went into hiding.
Guys with those prejudice!
Do you know how many men from Addu are married to women from Male'?
Do you know how many women from Addu are married to men from Male'?
Do you know that people from Addu also are holding same passport?
Do you know that when we travel abroad, we always say we are from Maldives. No one will ask you which island are you from.
You guys are too narrow minded. This is just a small country with hardly 300000 people. We should rather be united and go forward or we should loose.
Go get some education and you will understand what the world is like.
thank you for the laura and sabah khaleelee for coming to happy our people.
i feel sorry for this crap who has gone mad after gayoom tortured him.
now you can see the jealousy among Male' people when a guy from Addu is contesting in this election.
i have some words for male' people.
the days you discriminated us are history.
we worked so hard to educate our children so that you cannot discriminate them
they will lead this country and make you bow to them
we have sacrificed a generation of people. we rented your homes so you will become lazy while our children prosper
we own more businesses than you, so that you cannot humiliate us
within no time, we will buy out your lands and make you beg on the streets.
Male' people are racists and they think they can still have apartheid policy here!
if you don't learn discrimination, racism from lessons around the world, just think about Sri Lanka.
Best of luck male' gays - we will never give up until we can live dignified life. if it is necessary to take arms, we will do that.
cheers! go hassan go!
I don't think you should discriminate him just because he is from Addu.
You should learn to live in harmony and ready to accept people from other islands in the top post.
if you cannot accept these, just let the southerners have AUTONOMY!
Most people are obsessed with the idea that those who don't believe in multi-party system are autocrats. This is not true. Multi-party system has brought more harm than good to this country. There was a sudden increase in gang related violence following the introduction of the system. If you believe only party system can deliver justice, freedom, and democracy, then you are mistaken.
Male aalaathun hajamu nukurevey dho Addu raees eh
Capital ves badhalu kohlaanan...dhen ma hee hee
mi article liyunu lhai jeheynee gudhah ove halan..addu ah verikanves gendhaan..hurihaa kamehves kuraanan.anni aa ekkoh gos kommes ehenthaneh hoadhan vee ehnu church alhan?kalei mennah vaanee ekahala kanthah ok.sifainge meeheh binmathee faijahaalaa irah dhuve filaa lhai eh anni akee..evaru lhai akah kon verikameh tha kulreveynee buraanchaa??kalei boegen hure liyunu article eh dho mee..thihen ves vaaneh..
ekamaku mifaharu mee hama dr hassan ge faharu..dhen lalalaa
hassan Saeed is perfect gay ... you will see his face too, see the red layer of makeup frm his face:P
hi...this is my very first visit and please accept my compliments.
We both have an interest and this is an introduction and invitation to my blog and if you would like to make a counter visit I would like to stop by again regularly to comment.
Do you like books and have you read any books by Salman Rushdie? I feel your blog is very interesting and worth my time...also I feel we can learn from each other.
Hope to see you soon.
With my very best wishes
hassan saeed is golhaabo version 2.0
Auditor General Report
Please read and see the corporations in this brutal regime
If you want a SHEMALE to be our next president, then vote for Hassan Saeed
Fada bovijje eh nun. Addu lhaa ekey dhen Raees akah hunnaanee???
Dhen ma hee hee!!! Hassan Saeed goru boe!!!
dear readers,
this is not about from where the next President of Maldives is coming from..he may be from the north, south or centre of the Maldives. This whole thing is about fighting the current brutal regime of Maumoon. He is the culprit..!! He is the Dictator...He is the Oppressor!! He is the Murderer!! He is the Forgerer!! He is the Corruptor!! He is the Destroyer!! He is the one who deprives Southerners, the Northerners, the WHOLE MALDIVES of freedom, basic rights and democracy!! UNITE TO GET RID OF HIM!!!! NOT EACH OTHER!!!!
I'm from the South,
I'm from the North,
I'm from the Centre,
My father is in jail,
For voicing his concerns for our health,
Whom do I blame? Golhaabo.
I'm from Addu,
I'm from Nilandhoo,
I'm from Velidhoo,
My mother cleans the roads of resorts,
Whom do I blame? Golhaabo.
I'm from Kurendhu
I'm from Huvadhu,
I'm from Mulaku,
My 14 yr brother is dying of drug addiction,
Whom do I blame? Golhaabo.
I'm from Feridhu,
I'm from Dhiffushi,
I'm from Hithadhu,
We live in shanty homes,
Whom do I blame? Golhaabo.
I'm from Funadhu,
I'm from Male'
I'm from Feydhoo,
My sister earns RF 2000 to feed her 3 children,
Whom do I blame? Golhaabo.
Therefore, we are one, me, you and the whole Maldives. Unite to gain a better life.
to the person who wrote the poem,
Good point, thiyaee hama dhivehi rayyithun ge haalathu hurigoi..30 aharuvee iruves Maumoon akah evves kammeh nukurevunu...dhuvahun dhuvahah meesthakun dhanee haaluga jehemun...look at how the fishermen of the islands have to sell their boats so that they have to feed their families a handful meal..its not a surprise that the women folk fare no better either..their husbands cannot generate enough income for the whole family and they have to go away from their own islands to support their families..this in turn leads to the neglect of their children, making them susceptible to the vices of the society..good point...its the same for all of us, no matter from which part of Maldives we come from..
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Both women and men can have the demands of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's fashion usually feels a lot easier. Of course, for both genders, garments and style options can be equally as elaborate, and there are several'trendy'things that can rapidly become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they often times see people travelling in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style has a few staple items which can exist eternally - which man is going to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick traditional pieces, colours and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
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In summary, though specific areas of classic men's fashion can be brought back as new styles, the fundamental outfits which they are based on will never slip out of fashion.
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