Feeling quite historical (not hysterical yet) at the moment I found that Bernard H. Bourdill, the then acting Governor of Ceylon, visited Maldives in 1930 to advise the then Sultan and the government of the Maldives in drafting of the First Constitution. The compiled Constitution contained 92 articles. It took exactly 1 year, 8 months and 22 days from the Sultan's decree to draft a Constitution to the ratification of the document.
Today we have a new constitution, ratified on 7th August 2008, and after a lot of tail bending, tongue biting and horn twisting, a little demon, whispered in my septic ears, that His Foreverness Golhaabo for Life our God is hell bent on abusing it again, unsatisfied that he has already violated the old constitution. Bloody burning hell!!
As argued by Hamittey's son Shaheen, representing the Elections Commission, the constitution was “new”. Ehehehee…freak!! Constitutions can never be repealed legally!! They can only be amended, unless a revolution takes place.
In over 40 articles, he said, the constitution refers to itself as “this constitution” meaning past constitutions are void. Ho hum!! Another so-called “legal” interpretation made and fed by His Foreverness uncle.
Clause 293(b), noted Hameed, specifies that “upon the commencement of this Constitution, the ‘Constitution of the Republic of the Maldives’ which came into force on 1 January 1998 shall be repealed.” It is on this basis that His Foreverness Golhaabo for Life our God claimed that THAT is the reason why the 30 years of his rule cannot be counted and he can face elections again and that he did this time. So therefore his 30 year rule is not part of this new constitution. I have seen his Foreverness say this on my new Flaming Red293Ghetto TV. Go have a looksy at Hamaroalhi or Haveeru or whatever news that takes your fancy.
Come to Hell Shaheen!!! Were you planning to be another bloody embarrassment to the Legal Profession of Maldives, like my rosy pudgy pie Azima Sukoor. And as for the judges who knows steaming-crap about proper legal theories, who, in their “infinite judicial wisdom” ruled for Golhaa, the saying goes, “Out of every three judges, two will go to hell”. Come to Papa!!! I have made a nice burning bed of fire for them…stoking them hot as I speak!!
Here is the funny thing: Under Clause 107 of the new constitution, which sets the two-term limit, specifically says no President elected “pursuant to this constitution” may serve more than two terms, whilst the transitional chapter states the upcoming presidential elections will be the first held under this constitution, the Elections Commission argued.
The truth (oh! It hurts to say that!!), is His Foreverness Golhaa said that he was running for Presidency under the new constitution. AND HE LOST!!! And right under the bloody blooming New Constitution…hehehehe…
Even though His Foreverness Golhaa lost, he still is pursuing the lavish life he had before under the new constitution. WTFing Hell!
According to the new constitution Article 128 states:
“Raaisul Jumhooriyaa kamuge magaam gai huri meehaku kuh veri nuve qaanoonee hamathakuge mathin vakivejje nama dhaulathge emme mathee verikan koffaivaa meehakah dheyn jehey izzathaai gadharaai ekasheegen vaa fadha rakkaa theri kamaai maalee inaaya thaai ehenihen inaayathah emeehakah haggu vaane eve. Mi gothun dhevey rakkaatheri kamaai inaayahthah gaanoonu gaa bayaan kuran vaaane eve”.
Now we know what the Ol’ Foreverness is after! IF GOLHAA SAYS THAT HE HAS NOT RULED UNDER NEW CONSTITUTION AND THAT IS WHY HE COULD RUN FOR OFFICE THIS TIME, then he should not be given any “khaassa inaayaiy” (privileges) under the NEW CONSTITUTION because HE HAS Not RULED UNDER the new CONSTITUTION!!He cannot have it BOTH WAYS!! When it comes to power he wants to run under the old constitution and the new one. My little dark minions, we can’t let him take this one!
That old bag of an Aneesaththa is making me wanna twist off that rotten, old wrinkly tongue of hers with my Trident!! My little evil ones, I am sure you know I am talking about the Bill she is trying to push through in the Parliament. Aneesaththa, not being satisfied of ol man pyromaniac Abbas's amourous moves, now wants to back up His Foreverness. Well, you can kiss his dimpled tush if you think you can pass this Bill!
This is what the Bill states:
According to the Bill:
Article 2: (NOONU) he should be addressed as PRESIDENT (Raees) Officially!!!
Article 3: (that he should be paid the same salary as the President's salary by the state.
Article 4: provided a residence and office staff by the state.
Article 7: provided health care by the state and abroad and if he had a special doctor, then the services of that specialist doctor should be provided at the state expense.
Aneesa, darling! Listen to the Devil. You are evil! But not as evil as me!! Never!! Did you honestly (a word I abhor) think that you can get away with this, when your dumb-witted, old His Foreverness for Life Golhaa, by his own lying tongue, said that he has not ruled under the new constitution? Hehehehe…you are really stupid. Must make a new burning cove in Hell to house the kinds of you! Move over Judas!
Oh! Yeah! There is a legal terminology for the things that you and Your Foreverness Golhaa are going to do to this new constitution. It’s a simple two letter latin word called “Ultra Vires”. Ask any lawyer. It means acting in excess of and therefore against the powers conferred by a law, the Constitution being the supreme law of a nation, making your actions VOID under the Constitution!! You, my crazy ol’ Foreverness for Life Golhaabo Our God, is trying to fool the nation and the Devil again. And Aneesa Bag thinks she knows the law well enough to help you? Hehehe…..My Bloody Hell! You are cunning.
And that my little minions, is the end of tonight’s bedtime story. Have to get that burning bed ready for the Judges and a new hot cove to house my darling sweetie Aneesa! Dig?
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