Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Replacing His Foreverness’s Golhabo’s 8 Minions (answering the Kutt)

Talking about Political absurdities, it is my contention that this Kutti of a Fool has actually come up with some sensible arguments. Surprise! Surprise! Wonder where his allegiance will swing this time?

I too think that it is a political absurdity that the 8 stinking minions of His Foreverness Golhaabo For Life should continue under the new Government! Might throw a spanner into the hard earned works of those who actually did and are in the process of bringing true democracy to the Maldives.

Hell! Even I would not take into this Firedom any coot who did not agree with me in the past! So what’s the big deal about all this?

Let’s see. According to my previous article, His Foreverness Golhaabo For Life was never a president of the Maldives under the new constitution. He was just another presidential candidate who sorely lost under the second round of the elections, which means that there can never be his Presidential elected members in the Parliament. The reason is that he has repealed the old constitution and henceforth his elected members should not exist under the new constitution. Period!

Kutti! Why are you running around the burning bush? At one time you say the old constitution does not exist and the next instance you say it exists and the new constitution is a creature of the old constitution. Don’t make me chase my forked tail around in hell! There can only be ONE constitution in a country! Either this or that! I see why you are saying there are two constitutions or that the new one gains power from the old one! When you want to seek power and privileges and prolong the seat of His Foreverness Golhaa for Life’s 8 minions, you cry that the old constitution exists! When Anni Not For Life elects his members, you cry foul and say that the new constitution does not provide for his 8 elected little demons! What bloody sodding nonsense! This is the same as His Foreverness For Life trumpeted when he wanted Privileges due an ex-president under the New Constitution.

Since we are talking of legal issues, lets see what arguments we can put forth against Kutti and His Foreverness for Golhaa. First, the new constitution does not provide for the appointment or removal of the previously elected 8 minions nor for the newly elected 8 demons. So what is to stop Anni Not For Life from electing his 8 demons? He did not do anything unconstitutional by electing them, since the constitution is silent on the matter. There is no illegality or any issue of an act ultra vires to the constitution. When His Foreverness For Life, wanted to change his members or dismiss any member of Parliament he did so at his demented whim and fancy. Well! Atleast Anni Not for Life is doing according to the “precious” procedures that Kutti is now so vehemently protecting! Hehehehe!! Kutt. You also said:
“While it may be logical to say that any member appointed by the president can be dismissed or replaced by the president, law does not always follow logic Law requires specific procedures to be outlined in the constitution to do that. This is especially so, when different countries have different procedures for appointing or nominating members to parliament”.

Since when were you so very much concerned about the proper legal principles? When his Foreverness For Life was thrown out on his royal tush onto the streets? Hehe..My dear evil Kutti, you want to eat the cake and the cherry on top of it! Believe you me, you are one cunning little demon! Since Law required specific procedures and we follow logic, not fancy, it is only right that Anni Not For Life replace the old 8 minions with his 8 little demons. This is logic! This is correct! And you yourself stated that the current Parliament is locked within the new constitution. Again! This gives Anni the power to replace His Foreverness Golhaa’s 8 minions with his own little demons.

Kutti, you also mentioned with your sneaky tongue that:
“Therefore, it is imperative that the constitution provide procedures to appoint, dismiss and replace appointed members in the old parliament. However, no such procedure is there in the current constitution”.

Now whose fault was this? His Foreverness NEVER AGREED in the first place to come up with a PROPERLY DRAFTED CONSTITUTION whereby he may undermine his powers! Bloody Hell! He never expected to Lose this time! Therefore it is his own death trap that he has walked into! Hehehehe….sorry old coot! You lost!

Therefore under the same anology whereby the new constitution does not give power to appoint new members, then under that anology, the old constitution does provide for the replacement of His Foreverness for Life’s 8 stinking minions!

You should be the one to talk about the Democratic way of electing members, let alone Democracy! Ha! Makes me wanna puke putrid pus! Atleast Anni Not For Life is doing the right thing, by coming up on TV and announcing that any decision of the Court on the matter would be honoured and obeyed. Since when did your Master, His Foreverness Golhaa For Life actually uttered such noble words? Did you honestly think that Anni Not For Life is going to jeopardize the rights and liberties and trust of the people of Maldives as your Master has done! Never! Or else he shall answer to me.

So be a good little Kutti, and go to bed instead of trying to stir up some silly little mischief!