Hell! I confess! I called the bugger Janaaza! I swore I would twist him like a Danish pastry, roll him in his own spit and throw him into the deep end of hell. You don't have to rub it in. But now that we are in Aneh Dhivehi Raajje I believe that old hands like Shaheed is a wise choice in the cabinet list that seems to have leaked out. And bloody hell! My fellow country guys and gals!! Arnt we having a bit cacoethes carpendi ? So many of you worried about these people who served in the Golhaabo cabinet being in the new cabinet but the Devil advocates that in can only be a good thing within limitations.
Let the Devil elaborate. We need someone who can promote the Maldives to the outside world. IH Zaki does not seem to relish the idea of becoming Foreign MInister. So who else can replace Ablahi Di aka Abdulla Shahid? None other than the man who convinced the international community that out Beloved Leader for Forevernes Golhaabo is indeed God! Shaheed is the ultimate con-artist if one cares to term him that way but if Shaheed can con the international community into buying Golhaabo than he is definitely the man to convince the int.community that the Maldives is indeed a fully fledged democracy where their investors can invest without fear. We defo need someone like that.
I believe the same goes for Dr. Jameel. I am no fan of the man. A distant relative of mine was arrested for throwing bondibaiy at his car...but when you look around he has done more to modernize the justice department than any of his predecessors. Let the Adaalaath people come and stone me but I believe that his decision to allow female judges in the Maldives is the way to go forward (the Adaalaath will stone the devil anyway kekeke). No one was bold enough to take the decision except Jameel. (And NO! I am not going out with THAT girl studying to be a judge here in Malay...way wrong mates!! hehe)
I have no qualms about Qasim Ibrahim being Home MInister either. If old Umar Jaahil (Zahir) can do the job than so can Qasim Ibrahim. Faahana Nizam can be quickly implemented through out the Maldives. I have no worries. As long as Qasim does not have to decide fiscal policy the Devil can live with it
The only person I am concerned is Musthafa Luthfy for Education. Dont get me wrong. It's not because I think he is not qualified enough. I think we need an Education MInister who is inspirational and Musthafa Luthfy comes across as a mild slightly sleepy lethargic kinda guy. We need a charismatic animal in the Education Ministry ...not a mouse.
Ultimately I think we are doing it the wrong way..me included. It's not the personalities in charge of these ministries that should matter. It has to be the policies. If the policies of this government are the right ones and are followed to the letter then you should not worry even if I, the DEVIL, is in charge of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. Now THAT would be a good one eh? :-)
are you crazy? moya govanee tha? me dhe meehun e ee MDP meehunnah emme haalu ga jessi meehun
Hama moya vee hehe
i think those who voted for the "sake of change" is now feeling real stupid. This cabinet smells and tastes all a bit familiar.
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