Monday, November 19, 2007

Himendhoo, Al-qaeda and all that jazz

So the Himendhoo extremists are connected to the Al Qaeda, according to a story on the Minivan News website. Now the whole government goes into panic mode and take it out on all the people who have either got beards or women wearing the burugaa. Shave them, de-veil them..get them to party and drink champagne. And then we can claim that we are a 100% Muslim country and blame the democracy movement of trying to spread Christianity in the MAldives. Perfect. What do you say?

Oh and one more thing. Since we do not want to antagonize the Arabs who are obviously funding the spread of extremism, we can always blame this latest video release on David Hardingham and the Friends of Maldives. Afterall, our beloved President for Life did not have any hesitation in blaming him for the Sultan Park bomb. So surely he must be the one who is behind all this. I think he even visited Himendhoo wearing a "bodu burugaa" and secretly filmed the video.  Sounds plausible aye?

Attitudes and beliefs are the hardest things to shake in a human being and there is no way any government or leader can change the beliefs of people by creating ludicrous stories or taking draconian measures such as telling a population on how they should or should not dress. But then trust our President for Life to get it wrong...instead of trying to gently encourage and teach the people the path to moderate Islam, he goes and blames the bomb on a British rights activist and shave the beards off the men of Himendhoo.

definitely a case of.....aegrescit medendo!

1 comment:

rrudd said...

you have had no's one for you. There is life, power, joy and truth in Jesus Christ. Outside of Him...there is death, darkness and you. However, you do not have to continue in death and darkness. You can enter the light but only through Christ. He is the portal and He loves you unconditionally. In the end, in the omega, there is only Christ. Now that is truth. What will you do with it? Not offered in condemnation. No, but proffered in love.